Houses for Sale or Rent

Are you looking for a house in a small town? Do you want to experience the joys of small town living? Well this page could be just what you need to find your dream house. Below you will find a listing of "Houses for Sale" and "Houses for Rent." Listed with each house you will find the name of the town and state where it is located. Once you see one that you find interesting, click on the link to read more about it.

The contact information for each house is listed on the page with the description of the house. Please contact the representative for each house directly. Small Town Life does not represent any of the properties listed on this page. The owners or representatives for the houses have paid us to list their houses on this site. If you have a problem contacting the owner or representative of the house with the listed contacted information, please let us know and we will attempt to contact them for you.

Please let us know if you found this site helpful in your search for a houses. We would also welcome any suggestions for additional services we could offer that would help you or changes we could make that would make the site more useful.

Houses for Rent

Kittanning, PA

Houses for Sale

Reynoldsville, PA (2 homes)

How to List your Own House

Do you have a house for sale or a house for rent that you would like to list on this site? We welcome home owners and landlords to list their available houses here. The basic fee to list your house is $10.00 for one month, up to 500 words of text, and a link to your webpage.

If you would like us to include photos with your listing, the set-up fee is $10.00 per photo.

After your house has been listed for a month, you may choose to keep it on the site by paying a flat $10.00 per month to maintain the listing. (Note: If you anticipate that your house will become available again in a few months, you may opt to keep your listing on the site and just change the "Available Now" wording to say "Available Soon." This option may save you money in the long run since the set up fee will be charged again to put a listing back on the site after it has been taken down.)

Payment for fees is accepted through paypal, credit card, check or money order. (Note: Checks will be held for 10 days before the listing is put on the site.) If you are paying by paypal, please contact us for the paypal address.

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Copyright © 2006-2008 Paul Bender